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The messages object contains functions related to previewing and sending messages


Add a recipient and, optionally, merge data to your message

Function Declaration

public function add_recipient($phone_number, $merge_data = false);

Example Code

$textplode = new Textplode('API_KEY');

$merge_data = array('{FNAME}', 'Contact');
$textplode->messages->add_recipient('440000000000', $merge_data);

Example Response

This function does not return anything


Returns either a JSON encoded string or an array containing all recipients and merge data added to the message so far

Function Declaration

public function list_recipients($type = 'array');

Example Code

$textplode = new Textplode('API_KEY');

$merge_data1 = array( array('{FNAME}', 'Contact'), array('{LNAME}', 'One') );
$merge_data2 = array( array('{FNAME}', 'Contact'), array('{LNAME}', 'Two') );

$textplode->messages->add_recipient('440000000000', $merge_data1);
$textplode->messages->add_recipient('440000000001', $merge_data2);

$recipients = $textplode->messages->list_recipients('json');

Example Response

[{"phone_number":"440000000000","merge":{"{FNAME}":"Contact"},{"{LNAME}":"One"}}, {"phone_number":"440000000001","merge":{"{FNAME}":"Contact"},{"{LNAME}":"Two"}}]


Removes all recipients and merge data from the current messages object

Function Declaration

public function clear_recipients();

Example Code

$textplode = new Textplode('API_KEY');

$textplode->messages->add_recipient('440000000000', null);
$recipients = $textplode->messages->list_recipients('json'); /* Should return empty JSON array */

Example Response

[{"phone_number":"440000000000","merge":{"{FNAME}":"Contact"},{"{LNAME}":"One"}}, {"phone_number":"440000000001","merge":{"{FNAME}":"Contact"},{"{LNAME}":"Two"}}]


Sets the message to be sent. Merge tags should be added inline in this call

Function Declaration

public function set_message($message);

Example Code

$textplode = new Textplode('API_KEY');

$merge_data1 = array( array('{FNAME}', 'Contact'), array('{LNAME}', 'One') );
$merge_data2 = array( array('{FNAME}', 'Contact'), array('{LNAME}', 'Two') );

$textplode->messages->add_recipient('440000000000', $merge_data1);
$textplode->messages->add_recipient('440000000001', $merge_data2);

$recipients = $textplode->messages->list_recipients('json');

$textplode->messages->set_message("Hello {FNAME}. Welcome to Textplode");

Example Response

This function does not return anything


Gets the currently set message including merge tags

Function Declaration

public function get_message();

Example Code

$textplode = new Textplode('API_KEY');

$textplode->messages->set_message("Hello {FNAME}. Welcome to Textplode");
$message = $textplode->messages->get_message()

Example Response

Hello {FNAME}. Welcome to Textplode


Sets the from name of the message

Function Declaration

public function set_from($from);

Example Code

$textplode = new Textplode('API_KEY');


Example Response

This function does not return anything


Gets the currently set from name from the message

Function Declaration

public function get_from($from);

Example Code

$textplode = new Textplode('API_KEY');

$from = $textplode->messages->get_from();

Example Response



Resets all recipients, from name and message in the messages object. This should be called after send() if sending messages in a loop.

Function Declaration

public function reset();

Example Code

$textplode = new Textplode('API_KEY');

$textplode->messages->get_from(); /* Should return blank */

Example Response

This function does not return anything


Parses all recipients and merge data and returns the strings along with message lengths. The root JSON response also gets passed a "longest_message" paramater that returns the length of the longest message.

Function Declaration

public function test();

Example Code

$textplode = new Textplode('API_KEY');

$textplode->messages->set_message("Hello {FNAME} {LNAME}. Welcome to Textplode");

$merge_data1 = array( array('{FNAME}', 'Contact'), array('{LNAME}', 'One') );
$merge_data2 = array( array('{FNAME}', 'Contact'), array('{LNAME}', 'Two') );

$textplode->messages->add_recipient('440000000000', $merge_data1);
$textplode->messages->add_recipient('440000000001', $merge_data2);


Example Response

{"errors":{"errorCode":200,"errorMessage":"OK"},"version":"v3","data":[{"phone_number":"440000000000","merged_message":"Hello Contact One! Welcome to Textplode","message_length":39},{"phone_number":"440000000001","merged_message":"Hello Contact Two! Welcome to Textplode","message_length":31}],"longest_message":39}


Parses all recipients and merge data and send the resulting messages.

Function Declaration

public function send();

Example Code

$textplode = new Textplode('API_KEY');

$textplode->messages->set_message("Hello {FNAME} {LNAME}. Welcome to Textplode");

$merge_data1 = array( array('{FNAME}', 'Contact'), array('{LNAME}', 'One') );
$merge_data2 = array( array('{FNAME}', 'Contact'), array('{LNAME}', 'Two') );

$textplode->messages->add_recipient('440000000000', $merge_data1);
$textplode->messages->add_recipient('440000000001', $merge_data2);


Example Response
